Recently dispatched, spread of custom Transco H.D.D tools & cutters
Heading to HDD Thailand

Recently dispatched, spread of custom Transco H.D.D tools & cutters
Heading to HDD Thailand 

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TRANSCO provides a comprehensive range of custom, specialised equipment and services

To Assist through all aspects of Horizontal Directional Drilling, Raise Bore , Mining and exploration from project planning to project completion

All tooling designed and manufactured in house to ensure complete quality control

Adhering to our stringent quality systems to give customers peace of mind the equipment and services we provide where the right choice

With over 35 internationally recognised patents to support our products

Raise Bore

Stabilizers (Rotating & Non-Rotating) Roller Reamers 
Specialized Down Hole Tools Up-Down Reamers / Hole Openers
Inspection Services Breakout Gear
Rockbits Refurbishment
Drill Pipe Accessories (Includes lifting bails, ring gauges)
Rig Components: Parts and Spares Customized equipment

We can also engineer and design customized equipment to suit your specific application.

Machining & Fabrication

Specialized threading and gauging QA
Fabrication Fitting
Plate services

Mining and Exploration

Stabilizers Refurbishment
Roller Reamers Hole Openers
Rockbits, PDC Bits Accessories (Includes lifting bails, ring gauges, subs, collars)
Customized equipment

We can also engineer and design customized equipment to suit your specific application.


Stabilizers Roller Reamers
Hole Openers Rockbits / PDC Bits
Refurbishment Accessories (Includes lifting bails, ring gauges)
Rental Equipment Customized equipment

We can also engineer and design customized equipment to suit your specific application.

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Stabilization Hole Openers
Rockbits / PDC Bits Specialized Down Hole Tools
Rental Equipment Accessories (Includes lifting bails, ring gauges)
Fly Cutters Customized equipment
Recovery Tools

We can also engineer and design customized equipment to suit your specific application.

Quality is integral to everything we do. Quality is everyone’s responsibility. TRANSCO will continuously improve its customer service to better satisfy the needs of its customers and will deliver to them—on time and every time—defect-free products and services conforming to customer requirements and industry standards .

api spec q1 0831qms registered iso 9001 20157 1 1081